Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22: Carlebrities?

Carlebrity: One who has achieved celebrity status in the Carlisle community.  Carlebrities are "chosen" (identified) by Molly McDougall Boegel and Sarah Taby, the two women that founded the term and, after a few glasses of wine, deemed themselves the very first (and possibly only) "Carlebrities".

As I mentioned in a previous post, Alice made her runway debut on Sunday.  That would have been occasion enough to deem her a "Carlebrity".  Instead, she goes and gets us in today's Sentinel.  Isn't she a sassy lassie.   

I had to post the above "collage" created for me by one of my second moms (Cathy).  She spotted that photo in the paper, and in true Cathy fashion, immediately put it next to one of our favorite "me" moments...the day of the "birthday favor sunglasses".  I guess the story goes as follows: Little (3-year-old) me attends a birthday party.  Birthday party features these kick-A shades as a party favor (Seriously, are these not rad?)  I am so taken with these shades that I put them on and REFUSE to take them off for the rest of the day.  Absolutely refused.  If I'm not mistaken, there is even a group photo of this party in which I am easy to spot, as the only kid wearing sunglasses.  Cathy aptly captioned this--"From cupcakes to martinis".

On that note, I'd like to add that the martini in the Sentinel photo is fake!  An olive in an empty glass...I swear!


  1. Fabulous doesn't even begin to describe this!! You girls look fabulous and I can't get over how much the little tikes look like you when you were a sassy kitty! Love you!!!!!!!

  2. I love this! I am going to share this on the Miss Ruth's Time Bomb Fanpage! It is simply too cute!
