Thursday, June 30, 2011

Liam and Alice love each other.

My first update from the iPad! At GiGi and Grandpa Mac's house with almost the entire fam. Only Blake is missing but he'll join us shortly for the wedding of the century!!! The bride and groom (seen here holding Alice) seem to be doing quite well with nerves under control. Can not wait to see them take their vows in two short days.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Kind of Normal

Conversation over the phone on the way home for lunch:

Molly: I'm sorry I missed your calls earlier, I was busy all morning.
Mike: Well, I'm sorry I missed your calls earlier, we're just coming home from Newville now. ((note: I didn't call him once this morning))
Molly: Where are you right now?
Mike: I'll give you a hint, it's the place where you like to enjoy your white zinfandel.
Molly: **long pause** I don't know where that is.
Mike: The underpass before rt. 641.

Doesn't miss a beat, that husband. Wickedly funny all the time. Love him.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lavar Burton would be proud...

This past weekend I enjoyed a lovely night at Piatto, drinking fancy Prosecco drinks with my super-hip book club, CARDS (Carlisle Area Reading and Drinking Society).  All of those are things that I love--Carlisle, Reading, Drinking, Societies...Areas...winning. Seriously though, what a perfect way to spend a warm summer evening AND to feel pretty smarty pants (yeah, that's right waiter, I read books...big books...books with words).

This past month, we read "Room" (whoa, wack-titude), coming up, "Jitterbug Perfume". I've read Tom Robbins before and am excited to dive on in. I do wonder if this book will have fewer scrota and graphic sex scenes than the Robbins books I've read before...will keep you updated.

What I didn't realize was that Hen is also a CARDS member. Hmm. Funny he hasn't made any of our meetings. He's getting started on the July book (now I'm really hoping that this is a tame Robbins) and has found his own little "reading spot"

Dang, that kid is good! Wait, is he past the first chapter already?? What the French, Canada?! Way to show me up in the area of "reading". Sorry that I'm busy working, and watching "The Voice". Guess you'll have to give me the skinny on "Jitterbug" an hour before the CARDS meeting. That's what kids are for, right?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fratting it at the yard sale

This weekend we invited community members to come on by and buy our tacky crap. The front  yard featured $1 and $2 tables filled with all sorts of amazing random stuff, including glittery false eyelashes, some fancy candle holders, picture frames, kitchen stuff, books and two super old school tapestries (one from Mike, one from me, both from college days--classy to the n'th degree). Normal yard sale junque. We saw some business, but, for the most part, the sale was pretty tame. I attribute this, in part, to the fact that I forgot to wear my lucky fanny pack. Dang!! Forgetful! Had folks seen my impressive sales-lady style they might have thought twice about passing on our rad gear.  Fail, Molly.

We did enjoy the company of two of the more ridiculous Dickinson students that I work with (Teddy and Dixon), and one very lovely and fun Dickinson alum (Georgia). As soon as Teddy arrived, before doing anything else, he invited Hen to a game of hide-and-seek. As you can imagine, our three-year-old was positively elated.  Laughing, smiling, occasionally missing the point of the game ("You go count and I will hide here!"), Hen couldn't have asked for a better time.  After a little while, he had exhausted many of the traditional hiding places, but certainly would not allow this to get in the way of his game. Hen thought on his feet and moved on to more creative hiding "situations". Below is the BEST by a long shot. 
Lamp shade hiding place. All he needs is one of those tapestries tied around his neck like a cape and he's living frat-large. So college. Proud moments for parents.  And speaking of parents, I have to go be one right now, so I'll post the highly anticipated series, "Kitty in Funny Hats", at a later time.