Monday, February 7, 2011

Hit Play, February!

Ok, so this is not terribly original, in fact, I stole it directly from my sister ( In lieu of a photo, I'm also going to share my February playlist. Of course I have to dedicate this to Beezus, since she was the one that inspired me to post it. :)

Songs I'm listening to a lot these days:

The Bird and the Bee--Rich Girl (yes, Hall & Oates cover...melt!)
Dr. Dog---Nobody Knows Who You Are
The Thrills---Restaurant
Bob Dylan---Girl from the North Country (to be fair, that would make the list any month)
The Mountain Goats---Dance Music
Bruno Coulais---Baby (from the documentary--one of Hen's favorite things to watch)
The Black Ghosts---Repetition Kills You
Blossom Dearie---I'm Hip
The Talking Heads---And She Was
Santo & Johnny---Sleepwalk (our wedding song)

Ok, so it's a short list, and nothing really "new" to speak of, but it's mostly comfort music, and that's exactly what February calls for in my book!

1 comment:

  1. How in the world do you know all these random songs?! I must branch out and explore...but I love the comfort of Kelly Clarkson...hahahah!!

