two minutes later...

Notice something different? Yes, you are so observant, Alice is not wearing any clothes in the second photo. This was costume change #4 for the day, perhaps a record for my stinky little kitten-baby. She goes through more clothing than her father and brother combined, and that is quite a feat. At 2 going on 3, Henry practically invented the word "mess". Apple juice, milk, pudding, tomato sauce--you name it, we've washed it. The most endearing part, is the heartfelt "sorry!!" that follows every spill. Of course we give him a big hug and kiss and explain that we understand it was an accident and that he's not in trouble. Still, his clothes have seen the spin cycle so many times I'm surprised they're still in tact. As for Mike*, he changes after work each day then wears something for an hour and it's in the laundry basket. Honestly husband, do you really think it got
that dirty in 60 minutes time? While I'm on the topic--who washes their jeans after two wears? TWO wears?! Denim sacrilege! I'll hold off to the bitter end before I throw my jeans in the wash. Maybe I'm revealing too much here? Are you thinking of me and finding
this image coming to mind? I'd say between the three of them--Mike the outfit-changing wonder, Henry the bull in the china shop and Diaper disaster Alice--I've got about a load of laundry a day. I truly have NO clue as to how I'll keep us stocked with clean clothes once I go back to work. And with that, I'm off...to throw the wash in the dryer. Just another exciting day in Mollywood.
*should note that Mike was borderline offended by this exaggeration of life in our house as he has been very good about cutting back on his dirty clothes pile. I recognize and appreciate that immensely and in no way mean to suggest that he is a burden...I love him dearly and would marry him and his pile of laundry all over again today if I could. ;)
I love it! I was amazed at how much laundry Parker Jeanne accumulates, but thanks to her monstrous appetite, we have tons of laundry as well! hahah!!