Apologies that this comes a day late...but these truly were photos from yesterday (Mike is evidence of that). Yesterday was a full day--church in the morning, Valentines day lunch with the Boegels (lobster tails, shrimp, cheesecake...oh you wish you had been there), grocery shopping and then a night full of work for Mike. I thought I might sneak onto the computer to post after he was done, but it was just too much fun for one day, and we were all asleep by 9:30pm. These photos were taken with the photobooth app. If you are a mac-user/lover like we are, you know this app pretty well. When we first got our mac, we probably took about 30 photobooth pictures a day. The distortion features, the different effects, our narcissism (this was pre-kids)...it was just such a delightful way to spend your evening. Now, we've almost totally forgotten about the photobooth app, using more sensible things like, say, the calendar, or Open Office (word documents and excel spreadsheets).
We remember about photobooth every now and again--last night was one of those times. I love how Alice barely moves while Henry is all over the place (including completely absent for one photo). Oh, and since I'm thinking of it, I should add that you may see quite a few photobooth photo shoots coming up since Henry dropped our camera on its lens last week. Oh the joys of parenthood!
haha i love these! your comment about alice not wanting to budge is so true...she's just sitting there like a little slug, i love it. this may sound weird coming from your sister, but you have a beautiful family :-)