Today is Valentine's Day. An event I've celebrated joyously on some years, and cursed mightily on others. I still remember my first valentines gift from a real and true boyfriend...a chocolate rose and large Hershey Kiss w/a card signed "love, Matt" ( my heart filled with joy). I remember an awkward but touching first V-day with my husband--he cooked quite a feast for his doting girlfriend...and his roommate Charlie. Not really a holiday meant for three, but it was just one of the many examples of his thoughtfulness and loyalty.
On the flip-side, I remember a less than pleasant V-Day on which there was a rather emotional break-up. I also recall the pain of unrequited love, when, in third grade, I tried to muster up the courage to tell my first crush, Michael, that I "like, liked" him...but got scared and ran into the girl's bathroom where I turned about 76 shades of red.
No matter the year or situation, though, I have always had one very true Valentine. My dad. He never forgets, and delivers on the day with a box of Mummert Chocolates or some other equally delicious treat. I've come to look forward to it each year, and even though I sort of expect a valentine from my dear old dad, I'm always caught off guard when it arrives. As I think about it, I realize that what strikes me the most is how understated my dad's valentine is. It's not done with show, it's not boastful or looking for any kind of instant approval or praise, it just appears, all of a sudden, at your door. A little reminder of something so big--your dad's love for you, his daughter.
This morning was like any morning--crazy, last minute, rushing out the door. My hands were full as I juggled two children, a diaper bag, Hen's backpack, snacks for his V-Day party, his pillow pet, the car keys, one leg shoving the dogs back in the house as I grasped blindly for the door knob. I looked up from the middle of my "mom-capades" and there it was, the box of Mummert Chocolates with the big red bow resting under our mailbox, waiting for me and only me.
Happy Valentines Day! I hope you feel as loved and appreciated as I do.
What a wonderful story!!! Hooray for Mac! :)