Picking up where we left off...
I return home (Thursday night) from a "there and back" trip to Philly. Usually, when I get home late like this the house is dark, save for one light in the living room. Things are peaceful and quiet with the faintest sleeping sounds floating down from upstairs. I sigh, because I'm happy to be home, tip-toe inside, lock up, turn off that last "waiting up for you" light and make my way upstairs, being careful to avoid the stairs that squeak. I peek into rooms, resisting that urge to curl up cuddly with my little ones. You always let sleeping babes lie, even if you were sad to have been away from them.
So on this particular night, instead of the sleepy fairytale that I usually walk into, I bear witness to the horror that is the stomach bug. Lights are on, laundry piles are high, Mike looks exhausted and Henry is awake, sweetly smiling at me, but clearly in such an unhappy and uncomfortable place. I pick him up and he rests contently in my arms, "I missed you Mama, I want you to hold me", and I don't care if I get sick, I'm going to hold this kid until he is comfortable and sleeping.
What I didn't really consider in that tender moment, is that if I did get sick (and oh...I did), who was going to take care of everyone? As it turns out, being a parent trumps being sick. Parental duties don't cease just because you've come down with the yuckies. Lucky for me, Friday was mostly just sleeping, keeping liquid intake up and reintroducing solid foods back into our diets. We spent waking moments coloring, reading and talking in bed. Here's a quick little video from Friday morning, when Henry was feeling a little better.
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