Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18: Darling buds of...March?

High of 71 degrees today and the world was bright and joyous.  The trees outside of the admissions office were showing their sweet little yellow buds (below) and I don't remember a time when the grass has been so green or the air so fresh.
Henry's class went on a "sock walk" at one of the local parks, running around the grass and mud in their stocking feet and then examining all of the seeds that they collected on the bottoms of their socks.  The socks will be "planted" and we'll see what grows up out of the ground.

My coworkers and I walked downtown into a "sea" of people (that's by Carlisle any other location it would be more like a puddle) and enjoyed a delicious lunch at Helena's Chocolate Cafe & Creperie.  I showed great restraint, ordering a savory crepe, as opposed to a handful of chocolates and french macaroons (truth: there was one macaroon...a raspberry die for).  We sent admissions decisions out today, exciting for some, less so for others, and one of my dear friends received some much anticipated and, thankfully, very GOOD news about his health today.  I was over the moon by 10am and am still feeling so grateful for this day and for our family and friends.

(my crepe)
(my raspberry macaroon)
Tomorrow--playdate with cousin Liam!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 15: Mouse in the House, as it were.

This is one of the many little surprises that was left for me by the absurd but adorable Teddy (single college out...his charm is sneaky).

If you've been with us for awhile then you might remember Teddy from Hen's skateboard in the street video.  That skateboard is tucked away in the basement, under piles of stuff, in a place so remote that Henry will never ever find it.  Skateboarding toddlers=outrageous hospital bills.

More presents from Teddy in a later post.  Alice is fussing and Henry is kicking a bouncy ball into the dog's face.  Nice.

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Day of School

Little Kitten on her first day of "school"
Miss Della is one of my favorite people and so leaving Alice with her today was not as difficult as I expected.  I was sad to drive away, but knew that she was in good hands.  One of the remarks we often hear, especially from the teachers at daycare, is that Alice is a female version of her brother.  I thought I'd include a photo of Henry on his first day of "school" to draw comparison.  He was a month older than she is here, even so, they look pretty similar.
I, however, look like a teenager in this photo with Henry, and like a 30-year-old in the photo with Alice.  Time, you are so unfair. 

March 14: Back to Work!

Putting this up really quickly, as I've already got a ton to do before noon today.  Just wanted to update that all went well this morning.  Henry seemed to have found his listening ears--they were under a pile of toys in his closet--he proudly announced that he "found my listening ears, Mama, and now I will be a great listener and can have ba-zurts!"...funny how all good news is accompanied by "ba-zurt". 

Will post from Sunday when I get a chance, now, back to work!

P.S. Will post tomorrow about the many "presents" I discovered upon my return to work...thank you, Sir Teddington, I felt very loved.