Monday was a rough day. Depleted energy levels following a memorable, fun-filled weekend and a nasty ear/nose/throat thang left this mom feeling pretty out of whack. Even without cold meds I've been ditzing around like a Malibu Stacy doll. I hate feeling lost in my own brain, so annoying.
Towards the afternoon, I left work to go pick up both kiddos for their doctor's appointments (Henry's 3-year check up, Alice's 4-month). Alice was a peach, calm and lovely (until the shots arrived). Henry was like some poster child for ADHD, crazily running back and forth, touching everything in the room, writhing around on the floor, speaking in tongues. Despite his wacktitude, Hen had a very positive appointment and our dear doc was pleased with his growth and development. Towards the end of our visit, however, Hen's new alternate personality, Captain What H.G. Whatsy from the land of Whattington emerged...
I don't know if this is a phase, something that most kids go through, or if it's just a continuation of the best question ever (sarcasm), "Why". Whatever it is, it needs to stop, or lessen, or I need to suddenly become more patient, because right now, I am going nuts.
Example (keep in mind, this exchange has about a 70% chance of developing in any given conversation):
Me: "Hen, can you please come over here and put your glasses on?"
Hen: "What?" (say this with major attitude, as if you definitely heard the question, but you are sooo offended to have even been asked. Throw head back in disgust and turn away.)
Me: "Please put on your glasses, Henry, they will help you to see."
Hen: "What??" (even more 'tude, borderline annoyed, still engrossed in some other activity)
Me: "PUUUT ONN YOUR GLAAAASSES!!" (loud and drawn out, as if talking to someone whose hearing aid is turned down to the lowest level possible)
Hen: <<pause>>"Whaat mama?" (smirk on face, knows he's gotten to you)
Me: exasperated sigh
Hen: "What? What? What? What Mama? What? What? What Mama? What? What? WHAAAAT???"
Oh, Em, Goodness this kid is sassy. I take the slightest comfort in this fact because I know how fantastic, creative and successful sassy people can be when they grow up...I just never knew how exhausting it was to be the mother of Sassosaurus Rex.
HAhaha!!! Please stop posting such frightening LIES...I know Henry doesn't act this way and my child certainly will do nothing of the sort! :) Love you!