What party, you ask? Well, if I knew, I'd love to tell you, but the truth is, I have no clue. When I found this, I brought it to him and asked "Henry, what is this?" His face lit up, "Oh! My bag for the paw-tee!" He grabbed it and slung it across his body like a messenger bag. I asked "Um, honey, what party are we talking about here?" He looked at me like I'd lost it, "My Aunt Mee-Mee's paw-tee!" I can only guess that he meant her wedding, which is not until July 2nd. I still can't figure out why there were 3 pairs of underwear and my cellphone. It got even better when, five minutes later, after disappearing into the playroom, he returned with two additional pairs of underwear which he found among the stacks of clean clothes that I've (finally) sorted and folded. He shoved them into his bag, which he could barely close at this point, and said "Ok, I'm ready for the paw-teeee now!"
So, if you're one of the lucky few 200 attending Mary & Brian's big day this July, keep an eye out for the 3-year-old wearing 5 layers of Pixar movie-themed underwear, eating multiple pieces of cake and cutting a rug with the bride