There is no photo for this day, because on this day I was a zombie-mom. Wake up with awful sore throat, lovely laid-back morning with B, car ride home from Pittsburgh, lunch in Newville for my father-in-law's birthday (what a lunch it was too...I'm still thinking about it), drive home, crash on the couch with hungry baby, hope that 3-year-old just sleeps through until the next morning (went down for nap at 4pm), scramble to get things ready for the following morning, sleep. sleep. wake up and feed baby. sleep. sleep. wake up to calm coughing baby. sleep. wake up to alarm. sleep again even though you know you're not supposed to. wake up to chirpy 3-year-old who wants you to make him french toast. give him B's banana bread instead. sore throat is worse, consider taking cat nap even though you have to get ready for work.
Morning. Monday. Ugh.
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