We did enjoy the company of two of the more ridiculous Dickinson students that I work with (Teddy and Dixon), and one very lovely and fun Dickinson alum (Georgia). As soon as Teddy arrived, before doing anything else, he invited Hen to a game of hide-and-seek. As you can imagine, our three-year-old was positively elated. Laughing, smiling, occasionally missing the point of the game ("You go count and I will hide here!"), Hen couldn't have asked for a better time. After a little while, he had exhausted many of the traditional hiding places, but certainly would not allow this to get in the way of his game. Hen thought on his feet and moved on to more creative hiding "situations". Below is the BEST by a long shot.
Lamp shade hiding place. All he needs is one of those tapestries tied around his neck like a cape and he's living frat-large. So college. Proud moments for parents. And speaking of parents, I have to go be one right now, so I'll post the highly anticipated series, "Kitty in Funny Hats", at a later time.
I think the mindset illustrated by this photo is "If I can't see them, they can't see me."