Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 8-14: Walk of Shame

Seven days.  Yes, it's been seven days.  I'll spare you the excuses and just say that I've been very busy NOT being busy.  It's been pretty spectacular and the break from busy was much needed.

I knew it'd been a little while since I'd written a post, but was kindly reminded earlier this week via a post on my facebook wall:

"as we approach the one week anniversary of the last time you updated your blog, I'd like to pause and reflect on all of the poor college students who should've spent countless minutes procrastinating and reading your blog instead. you single handedly might have increased the overall GPA of the Dickinson Community but no doubt left us without the h-core wit of yo blog. get on it molly bo bo!"

This is Teddy's idea of a gentle reminder.  I was honestly shocked that he didn't  come to my office to feed me a dose of guilt trip every day that I failed to update--and he is one of the last people who actually needs updates on my life.  I see him five days of the week!  Sooo---Teddy, here you go, you're welcome.  To anyone else who happened upon this site in the last week and wondered why they heard crickets, my apologies.

In short, this was a great week, including a very special day in our house--Mike's 34th Birthdaaaay!!  Love celebrating that guy.  Here are a few photos from the week:

Mother's Day present from Henbot 3000.  Mother's Day was such a lovely day with  my guys and my gal.  Note in this photo--Henry is wearing his old winter hat.  No weather-related need to wear it, he just likes this hat a lot.  Reminds me of that washing machine commercial with the boy who has the favorite blue & white hat that he wears everywhere.  Except that his mom washes his hat after a day of wear and tear.  This mom just sprays stuff with Febreeze.

Mike's #1 birthday wish--Dinner out at Issei Noodle.  BEST.FOOD.EVER.  We are die hard Issei fans and with two kids, don't often get out to eat.  Hen is chowing down (with one chopstick) on his order of Miso Udon.  He loves the fish cakes and gets a real kick out of the fact that there are hard-boiled eggs in his soup.  After an Issei-amazing dinner (always puts us in the best mood), we went home to sing the bday song and eat Mike's dessert request--Oreo Truffles.
Henry at 6:15am.  He's been getting up at around 5:45am lately and I just can't understand WHY I have to be awake when the first number on the clock is anything below a 6.  Honestly Hen.  Of course, I get up, but will try my damndest to get Henry to focus on something other than sitting on the bed saying "Mommy!!!  It's WAAAKE UP TIME!!!!!  I WANT CEEEREAAAAL!!!"  Usually I end up moving into his room and lying, awake but resting, while he plays with his toys.  On this particular morning he built a few tracks on his train table. 
Thursday morning activities--accomplishing so much before 6am.

Oh my wordness.  Alice's legs could not be any chunkier.  They are so cute, SHE is so cute.  Dressing her in warmer weather has been beyond fun for me.  You'll see her in a little plaid skirt above (with bloomers)...

...and then, in no bottoms at all.  It took me a few minutes to squeeze her into that skirt (it's sized 9 months, so it should fit her).  After realizing that trying to contain the chubbiness was not only silly, but near impossible, I released her from the confines of clothing.

There you have it.  A quick week-in-the-life.  There are a lot of other things going on (some work changes, last week of daycare for my cherubs who will be off for the summer with dad, family activities, volunteer-work-related commitments), but the few things mentioned above are those that are most dear to me.  I'll get back into the groove and will put something up tomorrow.  We're hamster-sitting for my sister and I have a whole photo-shoot planned for Porgy the Teddy Bear Hamster.  Look forward to it. 

P.S. Again, a little tale about the post title.  I recently explained to my mom what the phrase "walk of shame" meant.  She was aware of it, and got the concept in general.  Some of the folks in her office were using it in reference to the walk from the candy jar back to their desks...appropriate usage, and pretty cute, if you ask me.  While visiting her at work, I overheard someone mention that they were doing the candy walk of shame. Of course, being the good daughter that I am, I DID take the opportunity to share with my mom what the "college" walk of shame meant.  She screamed, covered her mouth and laughed, and then just said "Oh!  Molly!!"  :)  Love that mom of mine.


  1. haha my marm just found out the meaning of "camel toe" recently. but don't tell her i told you.

  2. i didn't mention this in the list of things I liked about this post, but also Henry's sweet winter hat and Alice's chubbier-than-life legs. too presh.

  3. Fab as usual!!! Glad you're back!
