Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 3 & 4: Rub a Dub Bub (& growly kitty)

There are some things I could just watch over and over again--scenes from certain plays or movies, major victories by underdog teams, the "Kittens Inspired by Kittens" video on youtube...and, of course, squishy cutesy baby videos.  There is nothing particularly spectacular about this one, except for the obvious fact that it features Kitty Girl.  Just a warm fuzzy.

And...a little post-bath photo op.  She is such a happy baby, we honestly hit the kid jackpot.
Sweet little Alice


  1. Cute OVERLOAD!!! hahah!!! I love that the girls are so close in age! Kitty looks so adorable in her towel! I can't WAIT to see you guys!

  2. This just confirms that I need photos of Alice and Liam in bath gear for my bathroom! Next time we are home and you're giving her a bath, let me know!!
