Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9: Bathtime

Ok, this is technically from yesterday, but I forgot to post it in my mad dash to just get something up on the blog.  Bath time struggles are, fortunately, not something that we are familiar with in our home.  Both Henry and Alice love their water time...and nakey time, for that matter.  Little kitten is still small enough to take her bath in the sink, and thanks to the wonder that is the "Puj Tub", kitchen sink bathing is a breeze.

  She looks totally indifferent here, but at least she's not unhappy, right?  Now bottle feeding?  That's a whole other I'm not ready to tell.  We'll get there, eventually.  Right now, it's a bit too painful to discuss.


  1. Molly, she is absolutely adorable. I was just thinking that I have some cute bath pictures of my chubby little one that I should share on my blog as well :) Love the blogging- keep up the good work!

  2. Oh Kitty!!! PJ's rolls don't hold a candle to Alice!! I can't wait to see you soon!! I love you!
