Sunday was the last of Henry's three birthday parties--one at school and then home w/us on his actual bday, one with "little friends" (accompanied by their "big friend" parents) on Saturday and then the large McDougall-Boegel family shindig on Sunday. I had to laugh when, at his third third birthday party, after having heard the Happy Birthday song four or five times already that weekend, he casually looked up from his Plex keytar, and blew out the candle in one small huff. He smiled, quite pleased with himself, and went back to composing.
All three parties were really lovely. Our small celebration at home was low-key and quite appropriate. Henry opened his present from Alice--a remote control police car with sound and lights--and played with it for the rest of the night. Saturday was awesome--a herd of preschoolers and toddlers playing dress-up (I was working to get them into parade formation, but we never made it downstairs), while adults enjoyed the company of friends and a glass of wine or two (no 3rd birthday party is complete without it....didn't you know that?!) Lastly, the big "to do" with the fam. Always a favorite event in my calendar year. There is nothing I love more than seeing my kids surrounded by the people who love them and have watched them grow.
After three days of parties, Mike and I are exhausted. It's off to work today, no rest for the parent. Perhaps I'll make a celebration of it and bring along one of those chocolate peanut-butter cupcakes from yesterday. Happy Monday to me!
Happiest Birthday to my favorite little guy!