(on the inside): "Get well soon seemed bossy" --from Mary, during a previous strain of illness and discomfort in our home.
Ugh. Posting a day late, which I hate to do. Yesterday was an interesting combination of lots of busy/fun/entertaining activity and just as much lazy down-time. We enjoyed a wonderful birthday celebration honoring brother-in-law/uncle extraordinaire, Justin and his equally energetic brother, Nathan. Henry was instantly at ease at the Doty home, which I was so glad to see because he can really retreat into his shell when he is in new places and situations. On this occasion, however, we walked into his ideal scenario: Aunt Meggie, another 3-year-old, cats and cake. When he wasn't asking (politely, but firmly) when we would be eating said cake, he was chasing the cats around the house, his eyes crazed and wide with excitement, laughing hysterically while trying to say "Mama!! I found a CAT!!"
Our own little kitty was very pleasant and perfectly content as she was passed from one doting Doty to the next. On occasion she'd give a little cough or sneeze, as if to say "Yes, I'm the most perfect baby in the world, even with a stuffy nose." When she woke up yesterday morning with the sniffles and what sounded like a mucousy cough, we called the doctor immediately to go over symptoms. We were given the green light and told "as long as she can eat and sleep and it doesn't last longer than a few days, it's not a problem". Saline drops and cool mist have helped to clear the nasal passages and we have had NO problem with feeding and eating, she is such a fat cat.
It would be great if that was the end to this story. Alice is stuffy for a day and then she's all better, the end. Unfortunately, I can feel this ear/nose/throat business resting over our family, like a thin film. I woke up with a sore throat and Whiny McWhinerson is sitting next to me making every demand in the book while whimpering "Mommy...Mommeeeee!!!" Mike is still in bed and Alice has yet to wake him. Uh-oh! Break out the Vitamin C drops! We could be here for a while...
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