Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We're learning new things every day in this house.  Kitty is rolling over, nearly sitting on her own, and doing other things that sound a lot like dog commands.  She was an absolute treasure during her 6-month checkup yesterday, cooing and laughing as Dr. Holly took measurements and checked all of the usuals (eyes, ears, nose, belly, etc.)  She weighed it at a solid 21 lb. 11 oz. and is literally off the charts in both weight and height.  Big ol' baby.

Hen's daily discoveries are (obviously) of a more sophisticated nature.  Each week his vocabulary expands, and while he does understand the meaning of the word or phrase, he doesn't always nail the pronunciation.  We have to help out a bit, but this is the thing--I don't want to help him. I think the mispronounced words are the sweetest.  (Oh, pardon me cowboy, is my bad parenting peeking through?  Let me just cover that up quickly...this is a family-friendly blog).

For posterity's sake, I'd like to capture a few of those mispronunciations.  They're like prehistoric beasts--with us one era, and extinct the next. 

Plip-plop: Flip-flop
Walt: Wallet
"I'm gonna beep you!": "I'm gonna beat you!"
The light Bathroom: The Bathroom light (as in, "Please leave on the light bathroom for bedtime")
My rubs: My ribs

There used to be so many more of these, but, alas, my little boy gets bigger and his use of the English language reflects that.  He's currently yelling, "Ladies and Gentlement, lintroducing...!"  Not sure where this is going, but I like how showy it is.  Maybe I should oblige with a tap dancing number?  Morning at the Boegels.

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