Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jelly-Man Kitty

Breakfast at the Hamilton this past Saturday and Kitty sat in a high chair this time. She just wants to be part of the action nowadays. Of course, along with this promotion to "table sitter" comes a whole new world of "grab and chew" opportunities. Nothing (within arms reach) of Kitten is safe. We remember this stage well our first go-round with Hen, and had prolonged the inevitable status change to "occupant of the high-chair" for as long as we could.

Here, exploring her new freedoms as a member of the table, Alice reaches for the one thing that we haven't shoved as far from her as possible. The jelly packets. She stretched those chubby little Michelin man arms out for a good five minutes before she started to get really frustrated. We replaced the coveted jellsters with a Baby Mum-Mum after a while, and she accepted the substitution.

I look at these photos, and I think "Man, I can't to embarrass my kid with this someday". I wonder now if my parents had the very same feelings...which would explain a lot, actually.  Hmm.


  1. typo in last pararaph....you said you wanted more comments:)

  2. We love Baby Mum-Mum! The answer to almost any situation. Cranky? Mum-Mum. Hungry? Mum-Mum. Bored? Mum-Mum. Need to break something? Mum-Mum.

  3. I take great solace in knowing that we are going through the grabber stage together. PJ is the same! It has gotten to the point where it take two people to hold her down for a diaper change because she rolls over faster than possum playing dead and army crawls to anything in sight!
